Thursday, 17 March 2011

Islamists ready for their close-up?

For several weeks, a global audience has been glued to computer and television screens, fascinated by the compelling sight of uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. In both countries, long-ruling dictators were ultimately deposed amid cries of freedom, accountability and democracy.

This narrative of a long-suffering people finally toppling the head of the regime oppressing them is the stuff of Hollywood movie trailers, an epic billed as an irresistible story of human triumph. And Americans - even ones typically disinterested in foreign politics - certainly bought the ticket to see the show, with Facebook pages and rallies in several US cities showing that they supported protesters in Cairo and Tunis.

And then, panic. With two secular presidents deposed - Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt - who would fill the power vacuum? The obvious answer for many seems to be, simply: The Islamists. And in the post-September 11 world, this has triggered a flopsweat of paranoia and discomfort.

Glenn Beck, a high-profile Fox network commentator, said that the success of Islamist governments would spell the end of peace in Europe and capitalism in the US. "It is difficult to deny ... that radicals, Islamasits [sic], communists, socialists will work together against Israel, against capitalism, and they'll try to work together to overturn stability," said Beck in a broadcast in February, charging that the uprisings in North Africa were also to blame for the pro-labour protests in the state of Wisconsin.

To start with, the revolutions are far from over. In Egypt,  there are still protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square and the country is still without a constitution - while in Tunisia strikes, protests and unrest continue to unfold as the pro-democracy movement calls for the election of a constituent assembly.
Recently in Malaysia a group of in-responsible peoples had planned to do the same riots in Kuala Lumpur. From a reliable sources these group of people are mostly from opposition parties. They are trying to break the harmony living of all the races in Malaysia. Some sources also mentioned they get funded from outside Malaysia, from the people who want to look Malaysia fail in their country management. 

The worst part is, Anwar Ibrahim the opposition leader are always getting support from these people and he is actually not fighting for Malaysian justice, but fighting for his ambition to be the Prime Minister. I strongly urged all Malaysian, we reject Anwar Ibrahim and we also reject all opposition party who will damage Malaysia as to gain their political victory!!


Wake up Dude!!! 

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